Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The beauty of Guam at night

These are some pictures I took at the beach last night. The first two pictures are of the was so gorgeous. This was about 6:30-6:45pm but the moon didn't get really red until around 8pm. By then I was back at my house (mosquitoes were biting). This beach is only a few miles from my apartment and it's wonderful to walk on. If any of you are jealous then feel free to buy a ticket to Guam :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mrs. Luke!

GAA (Guam Adventist Academy) has decided to visit all of the churches on Guam and be a part of the service to show we support all of the churches. We are also trying to get more students so we are asking for their support as well. Anyway, two weeks ago we went to the church across the street from my apartment. I wasn't to do anything for this service, however, all of the teachers were introduced to the church. When our name was called we stood up and gave a little wave. Well, there was someone in the congregation who recognized me. No, it wasn't the woman in the was her daughter. Immediately when this girl saw me she turned to her mother and said, "Mom, isn't that the teacher you worked with?" Her mother then looked at me and said, "Oh, yes it is!" So the end of the service comes and I look around at the people walking out of church when I spot the lady who I worked with in Chuuk! She was my translator in the classroom. I walked over to her and she gave me a big hug. We talked a little bit and come to find out she had been in Guam for the past 4 months, but unfortunately was leaving the next day. I honestly never thought I would see her again so it was really exciting that we just happened to be at the same church (there are seven in Guam). God gives us many blessings everyday, and for me seeing Mrs. Luke was the blessing given to me that day.

The principal and his wife took a couple of us around half of the island last Sabbath and these are some pictures from that little adventure :)

This is actually part of some beautiful scenery that I see everyday on the way to and from work. Rain or shine it never fails to make me smile!

This is a Carabou


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

1 day down, 181 to go

(Ignore the messy desk) ;)

Today was the first day of school. I thought I was only having 9 students but ended up with 14, although one of my students is only staying for two weeks. Three of my students didn't show up today and one slept through the last two hours of the school day. Other than that everything seems to be going well. Enrollment is still down but the students are slowly coming in.
I really thank God for the way He has blessed me. I was listening to the radio today and they had My Story Hour on and the story was about two people becoming missionaries. At first they weren't sure that they were being called but decided to follow the path anyway. Later on they knew that it was the way God wanted them to go. I feel the same way. At first, I wasn't sure that this was the path God was leading me I am sure of it. I just had to take that "little" leap of faith first.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Guam Adventist Academy!

Well folks, this is the place in which I am going to be spending many, many, many, many, many hours. I'll show pictures of the lobby and hallways later. The reason I want to show you them is because I have not seen another school with structure like this one. Maybe some of you have and you can share some experiences...but that is for another time. :)
So far everyone has been really nice and helpful. The principal's wife is the pre-k/kinder teacher and her classroom is right next to mine. She is really the only person I talk to right now although yesterday I visited another teacher who lives next to me. She was feeling sick so I thought I would ask if there was anything she needed and we ended up talking for awhile which was very nice. I had never been in her apartment before so I was shocked when I saw that it is probably more than 3 times bigger than mine, and she is living alone as well! I am actually glad that I don't have that big place because that means more cleaning :)
Today one of the staff members, Jesse sent a high school student to my classroom to help me set up. Then after that person left Jesse told me he had someone else lined up for tomorrow to come and help!! I am truly thankful becuase I have a lot to do! I know that God is looking out for me and He is putting people in my way to help with those "little things".

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Home Sweet Home...for now

Well, this is the outside of my apartment in Agana Heights, Guam. The door and two lower windows are mine. I arrived from Hawaii on Thursday (Wednesday for you--just remember that I am 15 hours ahead of you).

Everything has gone well so far. The principal of Guam Adventist Academy, where I will be teaching 1st and 2nd grade, took myself and another missionary out to get a few things we needed for our apartments. I have this apartment by myself which I really don't mind. Until school starts I am going to be a bit lonely (like right now) but I know as soon as school starts I am going to be too busy to think about it. The island hasn't been very hot over the past few days. I think it has been in the 80s so far but I know better than to think that is how it will always be. I have AC in my place but I don't run it very often because I have to pay part of the electric bill and I want to get more used to the heat so I will be able to stand it more. I know what you are thinking, "Kim, you are crazy." My answer to that is simple, "Did you expect anything less??"

I know that people are praying for me and I am truly thankful for that. If it weren't for God I most certainly wouldn't be out here, so I know He will never abandon me. Right now I do feel a bit all know I am a social butterfly....but I think that God is trying to tell me that it is ok to be "alone" right now. This is my time to connect more to Him.