Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The beauty of Guam at night

These are some pictures I took at the beach last night. The first two pictures are of the was so gorgeous. This was about 6:30-6:45pm but the moon didn't get really red until around 8pm. By then I was back at my house (mosquitoes were biting). This beach is only a few miles from my apartment and it's wonderful to walk on. If any of you are jealous then feel free to buy a ticket to Guam :)


Paeter said...

Wow pics 3,5,6 I really like!

kimberella said...

Well thank you Paeter...I did my best ;)

Melanie said...

I left a comment on Mrs. Luke! Happy Sabbath

holamickey said...

Kim I really like pics 3,5,6 also!!!! And 1,2,4,7 are very nice!
So that is what I think about that.
And have a nice day.

Melanie said...

Hi kim, i wrote you over on my blog! Happy Sabbath!!

Melanie said...

Kim, what' s new on Guam? How's your grandma? May God bless you for your faith in HIm!

Melanie said...

where's the new pics?